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The Art of Asking for a Referral

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By Hal Neff

Asking for referrals is an important aspect of any network marketing business. In fact, this principle is important in any successful business whether it is part of the network marketing industry or not. So why not capitalize on your existing customer base. The place to begin is with your best customers or clients. If your customers or clients are happy with your service or product they probably already are raving fans and know the value of the product or service. Like anything else, it is important to ask for the referral. You, as the business owner must be willing to take the initiative. If you are in the network marketing industry, it is guaranteed that no one else will do that for you like you can.

Once you get the referral, it will be important for you to thank your customer not only for their patronage but also for giving you that referral. It might be a good occasion to ask your customer if he or she is willing to set up the appointment for you with their business friend. This is generally not a big issue if your customer is happy with the product or service that you provide. They will most probably be happy to do that for you.

A second alternative might simply be to ask for the names and phone numbers of the people in your customers influence circle who might benefit from your product or service. Always remember that when you get a referral, send some sort of gift as a way to thank your customer. This simple act can often lead to more referrals while further endearing you and your company to your current customer.

Begin to create business alliances with other businesses that are not your direct competition. Introduce your products to these business people and ask them to refer you. Today there are literally networking organizations in every city around North America that you can become a part of. Since they are not your competition, you can promote their product or service while they do the same for you.

Finally, you might consider getting involved with some non profit organizations such as you local church or charity. Not only can this be a place of service for you to give back to the community, but it can also be a place where you can gain influence and where people may want your product or service. In the networking industry this can also be a good place to find future business partners.

Perhaps the most fundamental requirement will be the total commitment that you have to your own business. This will really determine the kind of obstacles that you will be able to overcome along the way. You will really have to become the best and most outspoken spokesman for your enterprise. If you are prepared to do this, you will most assuredly find that referral will start coming your way by the bushel load and your business will be moved forward.

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